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How Java differs from C and C++

How Java differs from C and C++

This appendix contains a description of most of the major differences between C, C++, and the

Java language. If you are a programmer familiar with either C or C++, you may want to review

this appendix to catch some of the common mistakes and assumptions programmers make when

using Java.


Java does not have an explicit pointer type. Instead of pointers, all references to objects—

including variable assignments, arguments passed into methods, and array elements—are

accomplished by using implicit references. References and pointers are essentially the same things

except that you can’t do pointer arithmetic on references (nor do you need to).

Reference semantics also enable structures such as linked lists to be created easily in Java without

explicit pointers; merely create a linked list node with variables that point to the next and the

previous node. Then, to insert items in the list, assign those variables to other node objects.


Arrays in Java are first class objects and references to arrays and their contents are accomplished

through explicit references rather than via point arithmetic. Array boundaries are strictly

enforced; attempting to read past the ends of an array is a compile or run-time error. As with

other objects, passing an array to a method passes a reference to the original array, so changing

the contents of that array reference changes the original array object.

Arrays of objects are arrays of references that are not automatically initialized to contain actual

objects. Using the following Java code produces an array of type MyObject with ten elements, but

that array initially contains only nulls:


MyObject arrayofobjs[] = new MyObject[10];

You must now add actual MyObject objects to that array:

for (int i; i< arrayofobjs.length. i++) {

arrayofobjs[i] = new MyObject();


Java does not support multidimensional arrays as in C and C++. In Java, you must create arrays

that contain other arrays.


Strings in C and C++ are arrays of characters, terminated by a null character (\0). To operate

on and manage strings, you treat them as you would any other array, with all the inherent

difficulties of keeping track of pointer arithmetic and being careful not to stray off the end of

the array. Strings in Java are objects and all methods that operate on strings can treat the string as a

complete entity. Strings are not terminated by a null, nor can you accidentally overstep the end

of a string (like arrays, string boundaries are strictly enforced).

Memory Management

All memory management in Java is automatic; memory is allocated automatically when an

an object is created, and run-time the garbage collector (the “GC”) frees that memory when the object

is no longer in use. C’s malloc and free functions do not exist in Java.

To “force” an object to be freed, remove all references to that object (assign variables holding

it to null, remove it from arrays, and so on). The next time the Java GC runs, that object is


Data Types

As mentioned in the early part of this book, all Java primitive data types (char, int, long, and

so on) have consistent sizes and behaviour across platforms and operating systems. There are no

unsigned data types as in C and C++ (except for char, which is a 16-bit unsigned integer).

The boolean primitive data type can have two values: true or false. Boolean is not an integer,

nor can it be treated as one, although you cannot cast 0 or 1 (integers) to boolean types in Java.

Composite data types are accomplished in Java exclusively through the use of class definitions.

The struct, union, and typedef keywords have all been removed in favour of classes.

Casting between data types is much more controlled in Java; automatic casting occurs only when

there will be no loss of information. All other casts must be explicit. The primitive data types

(int, float, long, char, boolean, and so on) cannot be cast to objects or vice versa; there are

methods and special “wrapper” classes to convert values between objects and primitive types.


Operator precedence and association behave as it does in C. Note, however, that the new

keyword (for creating a new object) binds tighter than dot notation (.), which is different

behaviour from C++. In particular, note the following expression:

new foo().bar;

This expression operates as if it were written like this:

(new foo()).bar;

Operator overloading, as in C++, cannot be accomplished in Java. The operator of C has been

deleted. The >>> operator produces an unsigned logical right shift (remember, there are no unsigned data


The + operator can be used to concatenate strings



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